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Bringing AI to media to delight audiences, optimize editorial workflow, and maximize revenue


Your team works hard to produce, curate and polish thousands of quality content pieces, but most of them are buried once they’ve been live for a week or two. Your readers, meanwhile, grapple to find the most authoritative, intelligent or fun content relevant to their unique needs and interests. 

Algolia to the rescue. 

Our mission to connect media consumers to the most relevant content in milliseconds is now supercharged by the latest in artificial intelligence. With our Fall ‘20 AI launch, we offer publishers the most complete approach to AI powered Search and Discovery. 


Understand your users’ needs better

Connecting a visitor to the right content is a real challenge when dealing with thousands of pieces of content. Humans search in “messy” ways, using different synonyms to describe the same thing (“romcom” for “romantic comedy”), we make typos (“cooiking” for “cooking”), and sometimes ask questions instead of typing in clear, search terms. Furthermore, we speak different languages with their own specificities — such as very long words or words without spaces. All this makes it nearly impossible to manually predict every new way that a user might search for a term or a concept. 

Algolia Understand: benefit from the finest in Natural Language Understanding

With Algolia Understand (closed beta), you’ll be able to handle the most complex user queries. 

Users express intent in two ways:

  1. Explicitly, through words easily understandable and taggable by software, for example when they are looking for “Season 2 Episode 4 of Fresh Prince of Bel Air”, and
  2. Implicitly, through natural language, like when they are looking for “the episode where Will meets his father” 

With Algolia Understand, you can recognize both types of asks from your users, and surface to them the right content, including those hidden gems.

For you, this means getting more out of your existing content, and bringing back the best content for even the most complex requests.



Dynamic Synonym Suggestions: let users say it in their own words 

Synonyms are a powerful way to improve the relevance of search results and to avoid giving users “no results”, which makes them think that you don’t have relevant content for their query (and causes them to bounce). But it can also be cumbersome to manage synonyms manually: defining it one by one, and thinking about all the various possible scenarios.

Algolia AI makes synonym management easy. 

Our new Dynamic Synonym Suggestions automatically detects and suggests new synonyms that your audience is using to look for content, even those that you wouldn’t suspect!

“eucalyptus” <> “gumtree”
“data” <> “chart”
“two way tape” <> “two sided tape”

ABC is the largest news platform in Australia, and our audience is very diverse. It makes it difficult to continuously connect our visitors to the right content among our 1M+ articles. Algolia Dynamic Synonym Suggestions helps us get our viewers to the right content without friction by automatically suggesting relevant synonyms for specific events or specific to parts of our audience. Since using it, we’ve seen our search greatly improving on”

Peter Buffington, Product Manager

Dynamic Synonym Suggestions is now available in open beta for Algolia customers on our Standard and Premium plans!


Context is everything: offer relevant, personalized experiences

Many things affect what the user will find most relevant: seasonality, trends, personal preferences. Think about people looking for Tim Burton movies. The most relevant result approaching Christmas might be The Nightmare Before Christmas, while the most relevant result in the beginning of 2019 might have been the just-released Dumbo. One user might prefer gothic horror movies (offer them Sleepy Hollow), while another might be into musical comedy (a better result is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory). 

Our new AI features enable you to create more personalized browse and navigation experiences by tailoring recommended content based on user behavior. 


Dynamic Re-ranking: boost the most performing results for each user query 

Algolia Dynamic Re-ranking leverages AI to analyze users’ actions on your digital properties, then boost the most performing results for each search term.

Algolia already offers a full suite of tools to manage relevance taking into account both individual visitor inputs and your own business rules.

With Algolia AI, we are now leveraging collective intelligence. Dynamic Re-ranking uses AI to analyze each query, and promotes the best performing items related to that query in the search results. This is particularly beneficial for relevance edge cases — as relevance is relative to the end-user.

We apply on top of your existing set of rules a new ranking based on the multitude of signals sent by your users. By offering unprecedented content relevance to each individual visitor, our Dynamic Re-ranking will make your audiences return.

Dynamic Re-Ranking is now available for Algolia customers on our Premium plans!


Personalization: surface the content your audiences have the most affinity with 

Your visitors are exposed to vast amounts of content from various digital sources. They expect content recommendations to be diverse and personalized, and their bar in this regard is only getting higher.

Building personalized experiences takes time and resources. It’s hard to decide where to start to personalize the experience, what data to act upon, and which systems to connect together. Relying on one size fits all solutions is risky — each business and each audience is different, so you’ll need to adapt the personalization logic to the 1:1 experience. 

Our Personalization feature leverages AI to power tailored experiences to each of your visitors. It takes care of computing a personalization scoring and re-ranks your content automatically, but also comes with a simulator that shows you exactly how it optimizes the results for each user and each query. 

This enables you to surface the content your audiences have the most affinity with, from most popular content pieces, to the very niche content titles that they would have a hard time finding elsewhere. 

Algolia Personalization is already available on the Algolia Premium plan. Read more about personalization here.


Empower your editorial teams and improve content curation

Empowering your editorial team with the right tool to search, retrieve and curate content is key. With thousands and thousands of articles to dig through, it’s often hard from them to know what is already produced, what to cross-reference or reuse.

Algolia AI makes it a breeze for your editors to search for relevant content and maximize your catalog exposure in miliseconds, thus offering them the same quality experience as to your audiences. 


Algolia Answers 

Released in closed beta, Algolia Answers brings real-world semantic understanding to textual search, where searchers can search in natural language or with keywords, and find the answer deep within the text that answers their questions. 

Algolia Answers uses the real-world semantic understanding to go beyond textual relevance. For example, Algolia Answers knows that the Samsung Galaxy is a “large phone” or that Star Wars is a sci-fi movie from the 70s.

If your editors were to search: “How much storage is in the Galaxy S10?” Algolia Answers is smart enough to know that “storage” refers to GB in this context — and find the article in your index that discusses how the Galaxy S10 comes in 256 GB and 512 GB variants.

Algolia Answers combines what you already know about Algolia, such as textual relevance, rules, and a customizable ranking formula, with the top machine learning technology, including technology from OpenAI. Algolia Answers is an ideal search experience for anyone who has long content with important information contained within.


Bring your own AI for even more results... what does this mean for your business?

With this set of AI-powered features, your visitors and editors will be even served only the most relevant content through seamless and natural interactions within your apps, websites or internal tools. Usage and subscriptions will be boosted, while decreasing bounce and no-results rates. 

But knowing that each media business is unique, we want to take into account your own editorial strategy and business logic. This is why Algolia AI is an open platform, enabling organizations to bring their own AI into Algolia. By sending the output of your AI models into our platform, Algolia allows you to marry what makes your business unique for years to our battle-tested search and discovery product. 

Customers like NBC, FranceTV, The Times, Ouest France, and Politico use Algolia. Read what they say and talk to us today about joining the club.